Loan Rates

Loans Term APR*
Signature** Up to 48 months 12.5%-18.00%
Share Secured
Up to 48 months 4.00%
Term Share Certificate
Maturity of CD Certificate Rate + 4.00%
*APR is Annual Percentage Rate. All loans are subject to credit approval. Rates subject to change without notice and determined by credit tier. **Max loan amount is $15,000.

The APR is accurate as of August 1, 2024.

Savings Rates

Account Minimum to Open Balance Required to Earn Interest Interest Rate APY*
Savings Account $15.00 $100.00 0.00% 0.00%
IRA Savings $50.00
0.00% 0.00%
ePriority Checking* $0.00 $0.01 to $10,000.00 7.00% 7.23%
Money Market* $2,500.00 $2,500.00 to $24,999.99 0.50% 0.50%
Money Market* $2,500.00 $25,000 to $99,999.99 0.75% 0.75%
Money Market* $2,500.00 over $100,000.00
1.35% 1.36%
High-Yield Money Market*
$250,000.00 and up
High-Yield Money Market*
under $250,000.00
Club Account

*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. As an ePriority Account holder, you must process 30 debit card transactions per month. If an eAccount holder does not meet the requirements or disqualifies for the month the ePriority account will not earn a dividend for that month and the credit union ATM withdrawal fees will be charged. Refer to Truth-in-Savings Share and Share Draft Disclosures for complete list of account requirements. New money required on only Jumbo Money Market.

*For both Money Market accounts, a $10.00 service fee will be assessed for the month if the Actual Daily Balance drops below $2,500 and $250,000 respectively, at the end of the day on any day during the month. For Savings, IRA Share, and  both Money Market Accounts, if you close your account before accrued dividends are credited, accrued dividends will not be paid.

Dividends are paid from current earnings available after required transfers to reserves and only after the Board of Directors of evolve Federal Credit Union formally declares the dividend rate at the end of each quarter. The rates listed are prospective dividend rates and are subject to change without prior notice. The APY is accurate as of the last dividend declaration date.

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CD Rates

Account Minimum to Open Balance Required to Earn Interest Interest Rate APY*
3 Month Boost Term Share $500.00 $500.00 2.75% 2.79%
6 Month Boost Term Share $500.00
4.50% 4.59%
1 Year Boost Term Share $500.00
4.50% 4.59%
2 Year Boost Term Share $500.00 $500.00 3.75% 3.82%
3 Year Boost Term Share $500.00 
3.35% 3.40%
4 Year Boost Term Share $500.00 $500.00 3.40% 3.45%
5 Year Boost Term Share $500.00 $500.00 3.50% 3.56%
1 Year Boost Advantage CD Saver $50.00 $50.00 4.50% 4.59%

Jumbo CD Rates

Account Minimum to Open Balance Required to Earn Interest Interest Rate APY*
12 Month Boost Term Share $100,000.00 $100,000.00 4.50% 4.59%
24 Month Boost Term Share $100,000.00
3.75% 3.82%
36 Month Boost Term Share $100,000.00
3.35% 3.40%
48 Month Boost Term Share $100,000.00
3.40% 3.45%
60 Month Boost Term Share $100,000.00
3.50% 3.56%

*APY is Annual Percentage Yield. Early withdrawal penalties for terms of 1 year or less is 90 days' interest. Early withdrawal penalties for 2 year term is 180 days' interest, 3 year term is 270 days' interest, for 4 year term is 360 days' interest, and for 5 year term is 450 days' interest.

Dividends are paid from current earnings available after required transfers to reserves and only after the Board of Directors of evolve Federal Credit Union formally declare the dividend rate at the end of each quarter. The Rates listed are prospective dividend rates and are subject to change without prior notice. Refer to Truth-in-Savings Term Share Certificate Disclosures for complete list of terms and penalties.

Open a CD Today

The APY is accurate as of March 1, 2025.